Thursday, October 26, 2006

What LouLou, Kelly, and Anna will be doing this weekend

The advertising manager for Chevrolet, at GM in Detroit, just sent me the itinerary. Here it is:

Day 1 Friday
1:00 – 5:00 Arrival and check into hotel (Troy Marriott)
7:00 Dinner at Shula’s (in the hotel lobby)

Day 2 Saturday
7:30 Depart hotel (meet in lobby)
8:00 Breakfast at Campbell-Ewald
8:30 Introductions (Tenth Floor Conference Room #3)
9:00 Tour of Agency/war room assignments
10:00 Ride and Drive in CE parking lot; car assignments to follow
11:15 Conceptual Enhancement (Tenth Floor Conference Room #4)
Working box lunch
1:15 Design Studio Orientation (8th Floor)
1:45 Conference Call with Production (First Floor – Annex)
30 minutes per team; calls at 1:45, 2:15, and 2:45
Teams not on call are refining concepts in war rooms
3:15 Teams retreat to individual war rooms to work
5:00 – 7:00 Access to CE Creative (Art Direction & Writing Experts) available for consultation
6:30 Dinner - Brought in for Teams - 8 Main
12-midnight Design Studio, Graphics Department closes

Day 3 Sunday
Breakfast at Hotel (Julie will arrange)
8:00 Depart for Renaissance Center (park in Beaubain Place)
Enter Renaissance Center at Winter Gardens located on river side of building
9:00 Tour of GM World (Renaissance Center)
10:00 Media Training (Tower 100, 29th Floor, Room A65)
11:20 Depart for CE
12:00 Arrive at CE – Working Box Lunch (pick up in 8 Main)
Teams to finalize presentations in war rooms
2:00 Presentation Skills Overview (Tenth Floor Conference Room #3)
Teams rehearse concepts with CE personnel
4:30 Finalize materials for Presentation - War Rooms, Design Studio, Graphics Center
6:30 Student and Faculty Dinner with EdVenture Partners (TBD)

Day 4 Monday
6:00 – 6:30 Hotel checkout.
6:30 Depart for Renaissance Center (meet in lobby)
7:15 Valet Park on circle drive off of Jefferson Ave. in front of Renaissance Center
7:30 Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 12:00 Presentations (Ren Cen GM University Room)
12:00 Student De-brief, Interviews
~1:00 EdVenture Partners to transport teams back to airport

(Our flight departs at 3:15)


Steve Sloan said...

This is very exciting news! You all deserve to be proud of this accomplishment.

~Steve Sloan

cecelia baldwin said...

Wow you sound really busy in Detroit! Everything you are doing sounds great! I'm so incredibly proud of you all!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

Cecelia Baldwin